SSH tunneling your way through multiple gateways

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Ths SSH protocol supports tunneling arbitrary ports from your local host to a remote network that is only reachable through a remote gateway machine. The typical situation is that you have a, say, web server in a network which is only accessible from inside the network. If you have an ssh gateway machine within the network, you can get to the web server using tunneling.

A Simple Tunnel

This is what a typical one-gateway tunneling looks like:


Here’s how to set it up:

Now I can connect to my laptop’s localhost:8080 and access the webserver’s content. I chose port 8080 because port 80 is a restricted port (you need to be root to listen to ports under 1024). Also, make sure to choose a port which is not in use.

Multiple Gateways

If there are multiple gateway hosts between local host and the webserver, the solution becomes a little bit more tricky. I have to make sure that the tunnel goes all the way from my laptop to the last gateway, which then forwards the connection to the target web server.


Now I am be able to connect to my laptop’s localhost:1234, which is tunneled over two ssh tunnels to webserver:80.

A shorter form:

You can add as many hops as you like.

Just make sure the port you choose is not in use on any machine. You can use a different port for each hop if you like.


2 thoughts on “SSH tunneling your way through multiple gateways”

  1. You could just use terminal forwarding:

    ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:1234 gw1 ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:1234 gw2 ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:80 gw3

    to accomplish the same thing in a single command.

  2. Thanks for the excellent tip! I have a slighly more complicated situation, with different usernames on each machine. This works:

    ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:1234 A@gw1 ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:1234 B@gw2 ssh -ACt -L 1234:localhost:80 C@gw3

    But now for the big question.
    Do you know how to SCP files across this SSH tunnel?

    scp -P 1234 file user@localhost:

    only works if it’s the same username everywhere. Any thoughts?

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